Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Sexual Orientation Of Parents - 993 Words

The sexual orientation of parents, once having a child, does not negatively affect the development of their children. In order to first be a parent, one must obtain a child. However, in Florida, gay foster parents were not allowed to adopt the children they fostered due to the Gay Adoption Ban (Goldberg). Homosexuals were not legally able to adopt a child at all until the forty year old ban was lifted July, 2015 by Governor Rick Scott (Associated Press). â€Å"Prior to the lifting of the gay adoption ban, female same-sex couples could build their families via DI, as opposed to male couples, whose reproductive options were more limited†¦ surrogacy is very expensive† (Goldberg 117). Adoption is usually a first option for gay couples due to the inability to reproduce through traditional means. The second, and much more expensive options are insemination for women, and surrogacy for men. Without the option of adoption, many gay couples are not able to have the right to raise a child. Furthermore, the difficulties homosexual couples have to acquire a child make it almost impossible to exercise that right. However, once having a child, he or she is cared for just as any other heterosexual couple would care for a child. The development of children raised by homosexual couples is not significantly different from that raised by heterosexual couples. â€Å"Children whose parents are gay or lesbian have no more problems with self-esteem, psychological adjustment, intellectual capacity,Show MoreRelatedThe Sexual Orientation Of Parents Essay1707 Words   |  7 Pages Biblarz, T. J. (2001). (How) does the sexual orientation of parents matter? American Sociological Review, 66(2), 159-183. The goal of this study was to dispute the negative â€Å"heterosexism† perceptions attached to the development of children with parents who identify as gay and lesbian. The authors focused on the analysis of previous research findings, comparing the outcomes of the children from heterosexual single-mothers and homosexual parents, particularly lesbian mothers. These studiesRead More Nurture and Nature - Influence of Parents on Childrens Sexual Orientation754 Words   |  4 PagesInfluence of Parents on Childrens Sexual Orientation      Ã‚  Ã‚   Do parents influence their childrens sexuality?   The answer may surprise you: no they do not.   It has been found that about 90% of sons of gay fathers are heterosexual (Bailey 124).   It was also found that 90% of daughters of lesbian women are also heterosexual (Golombok 4).   According to a poll taken by Northwestern University almost 95% of people expect children of homosexual parents to be homosexual themselves (BaileyRead MoreHow Parents Sexual Orientation Can Have An Impact On Their Children s Lives980 Words   |  4 Pagesresourced. The purpose of this study was to investigate how parents’ sexual orientation can have an impact on their children’s lives. However, Goldberg Kashy Smith (2012) suggested that future studies should not only control parental characteristics, but also cautiously examine the children in each group of families. They concluded that investigators should be aware of the results before concluding what influence parental sexual orientation had on children’s gender development, due to the lack ofRead MoreHomosexuality1131 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Kiuana Ingram Ms. Lemons English IV Period 6 18 November 2013 Homosexuality Homosexuality is the sexual orientation toward people of the same sex. Female homosexuals are referred to as Lesbians. Years ago, the term gay has been applied to both homosexual women and men. The potential for homosexual behavior appears to be a basic part of human sexuality, since many people experience homosexual interest, curiosity, or activity at some point in their lives. 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The nuclear family has a mom and a dad, which is the societal norm. With the passing of gay marriage this year, the questions and prejudice of same-sex parents have been brought to light and revived. Concerns about whether or notRead MoreSexual Orientation1220 Words   |  5 PagesOver the years sexual orientation has been an issue in our society. Many people are against homosexuality and bisexuality. Sexual orientation is generally one of three main categories, heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Heterosexual is someone who is attracted to members of the opposite sex. A homosexual is some one that is attracted to members of the same sex. And, a bisexual person is one that is attracted to members of both sexes. There are other categories of sexual orientation. Some peopleRead MoreThe Effects Of Prenatal Hormones On The Developing Fetus1510 Words   |  7 Pagesstudy stated that there is a 50 percent chance that if one identical twin is homosexual or bisexual, the other twin is too. Similar findings lead that some researchers estimate that sexual orientation is 30 to 70 percent genetic (Mustanski, Chivers, Bailey, 2002). Another research suggests that sexual orientation is impacted by a gene or genes found on the X chromosome. Though genetic tendencies for homosexuality may be passed from mothers to their children (Rahman Wilson, 2003). During humanRead More Social and Legal Obstacles of Gay and Lesbian Parenting Essay1677 Words   |  7 Pagesresearchers have estimated that the number of children living with one gay or lesbian parent is six to fourteen million. Some have described this current period as a lesbian and gay â€Å"baby boom†. However, lesbian and gay parents face many social and legal obstacles (Lambda Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 1997). In the past, most gay and lesbian parents lived secretive and protective lives. 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